The Odd Couple & The Sunshine Boys

Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden!
27.03.2020 - 20:00 Uhr (Freitag)
28.03.2020 - 20:00 Uhr (Samstag)
Eintritt: 18,00 Euro, erm. 12,00 Euro
Kleyerstraße 15
60326 Frankfurt am Main

Theatre4You bringt nun nach dem Stück "Acht Frauen" von Robert Thomas einen Doppelabend mit zwei der großen Erfolgskomödien von Neil Simon (The Odd Couple und Sunny Boys) in englischer Sprache bei uns zur Premiere: Dabei werden die beiden Komödien mit jeweils vier Schauspielern auf ihren psychologischen Kern reduziert: Einsamkeit und Streitkultur unter Männern in ihren beruflichen und privaten Kontexten.


Die Ensembles von Theatre4You bearbeiten in dieser Spielzeit alte Konversationsstücke, untersuchen ihre inhaltliche Aktualität ebenso wie die herkömmliche Boulevardtheater-Dramaturgie auf ihre Adaptionsmöglichkeiten an moderne Formen des Theaters. Stimmen aus dem Zuschauerraum, Filmsequenzen und Musik beleuchten die Ebenen zwischen der Realität der Spielfiguren und ihren rückwärtsgewandten Phantasien, ihren aktuellen Imaginationen und Zukunftsängsten.


The Sunshine Boys: Al and Willie as 'Lewis and Clark' were top-billed vaudevillians for over forty years. Now they aren’t even speaking. When CBS requests them for a 'History of Comedy' retrospective, a grudging reunion brings the two back together, along with a flood of memories, miseries, and laughs. The story follows the attempt by a young theatrical agent to re-unite his elderly uncle, a former vaudevillian great, with his long-time stage partner for a TV reunion. Despite their celebrated reputation, the two old men have not spoken in twelve years. Besides remastering their sketch, the two men have numerous issues to work out before they are ready to return to the public eye.


The Odd Couple: This classic comedy opens as a group of the guys assemble for cards in the apartment of divorced Oscar Madison. And if the mess is any indication, it's no wonder that his wife left him. Late to arrive is Felix Unger, who has just been separated from his wife. Fastidious, depressed, and none too tense, Felix seems suicidal, but as the action unfolds, Oscar becomes the one with murder on his mind when the clean freak and the slob ultimately decide to room together with hilarious results as The Odd Couple is born.




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The Odd Couple & The Sunshine Boys
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